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The Education Bureau of Lingshui Li Autonomous County Successfully Holds a Training Program for Better Preparing the English Test of College Entrance Examination

Date:2023/04/20 Type:Company news


In order to further improve the English teaching ability of high schools in Lingshui County and help local students prepare for the college entrance examination (CEE), the local Education Bureau, in conjunction with HainanFL.COM, held a training program at the Xiangshui Bay Lecture Hall of the High School Affiliated to Minzu University of China on April 20, 2023. The participants included all English teachers from local high schools. Leaders who attended the opening ceremony of the program included Long Jing, Director of the Education Bureau of Lingshui County, and Du Fan, Deputy Director taking charge of research and training affairs.


At the opening ceremony, Director Long Jing emphasized that the purpose of this training program is to promote the development of high school in Lingshui County, to improve the abilities of high school English teachers across the county, and to raise the English test scores of the CEE. He hoped that the participants would take the study seriously and put what they have learned into improving students' academic performance. In addition, Director Long expressed sincere thanks to HainanFL.COM for their tremendous support.


Professor Feng Guangwu at Guangdong University of Foreign Studies deliver the appropriate training for the attendees, invited by HainanFL.COM. Professor Feng has served as the Secretary General of ELT Advisory Board under the Ministry of Education, and the head of the expert group writing the English test of the CEE in Guangdong Province. As a result, he has conducted in-depth researches on the English test of the CEE.


Professor Feng Guangwu conducted in-depth analysis on two main topics: "strategies and countermeasures for the English test of the CEE in Hainan" and "English teaching ability improvement." Using real exam questions as examples, Professor Feng provided detailed explanations of how to write the test and answer its questions, and shared practical skills of test preparation with the teachers to improve their abilities. The training program also included a discussion and exchange session. Interacting with the participants, Professor Feng answered related questions, which made the training more effective.

As the organizer of this training program, HainanFL.COM congratulates Lingshui County on the successful training program and wishes local students every success in the CEE.